The area has seen no rain since the beginning of June ..... due to the alkalinity of the soil we have to use hosepipes! much to the joy of this new arrival who rushes around uncoiling every hose she can find. Laila Cem's daughter gave her this name when she was just ten days old and bottle fed. .Now 4 months she weighs 2 kilos...parenthood speculations range from Husky to German Shepherd to Jack Russell... she is small with large ears. Is it possible to decode a dogs DNA? I did a DNA swab test via an American site.... expecting to be simply Scottish Irish Scandinavian.....only to discover Berber and Nigerian! So never go by the looks of anything or take anything for granted. Who would have thought Europe would crumble or Turkey would become a one party democracy.... We have had happy times at Blacktree this year....less arrivals but lovely people....we watched the bloodfull moon....took picnics into the made gorgeous mosaics. The road to the Olude...
Well spring is really here and the heat simmers over the fields.....bell Hyacinths, minute Irises, Stars of Bethlemen, Orchis Anatolica, various Cow Parsleys and another few days the Cornflowers will appear....but the great surprise today is the little calf Tom....we wanted a girl this time as we could keep her. Tom already has a very boisterous brother Bill whom we shall have to sell soon. Males can be difficult to control! Mr Turkey left Mrs Turkey and their 7 chicks suddenly yesterday afternoon and went walkabout...walked so far that I fear he may not have met a Gruffalo! Our first walkers of the year arrive tomorrow.....most people seem to stay in Fethiye nowadays and just do daily outings which is a can experience town life anywhere. Nature may not be sophisticated but it offers freedom for thought.....and of course really good food if one is staying a t Blacktree. Previously most Turks though that anyone who walked for the fun of it ...
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